Why Visit

Production Futures host networking and educational events on a regular basis, as well as organising Production Futures Breakthrough Talent Awards that celebrates the achievements of young talent. We also strive to create a thriving online community where young talent can learn, grow, and feel supported by like-minded individuals.

At one of our ON TOUR events you’ll find opportunities to…


This is your golden opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the industry’s veterans and innovators. Forge meaningful connections that could pave the way for your dream job.

Career Development

It’s more than just a foot in the door. Discover myriad career avenues across diverse fields – live events, music, touring, theatre, television, broadcasting, and film.

Championing Diversity

At Production Futures ON TOUR, we believe in breaking barriers. We champion a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion, ensuring everyone gets an equal shot at their dreams, irrespective of their background.

Unveiling the Unseen

Ever heard of a job and wondered, “What do they actually do?” We’re putting a spotlight on those hidden, yet crucial job roles that make the magic happen behind the scenes. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional looking for a switch, there’s something for everyone.

Inclusivity for All

Whether you’re just starting out, looking to shift careers, or hoping to upgrade your skills, our doors are open for all ages and skill sets.